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       Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test

Personality & Behavior 

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Eagle : Dominant Eagles are dominant, stimulated by challenge decisive and direct, Eagles can be blunt / tubborn can lose sight of the big, picture and can be insensitive to
other people’s needs. Eagles are natural achievers.


Owl : Compliant The owl is logical, mathematically minded, methodical and
sometimes seen as a perfectionist The owl can be slow to make decisions and inflexible if rules and logic says otherwise. Owl are not big risk takers but love detail.

Dr. William Moulton Marston was a psychologist and an antropologer who after studying thousands the human behaviors and their personalities, developed the concept of DISC profile. After his many years of research he submitted his thesis in late 1920's which divides the human personalities into 4 categories i.e. Dominant, Influential, Steady & Compliant. DISC profile has been in use for many years for multiple purposes like sales, marketing, management, HR, alliances etc. Later on another scientist, Dr. Gary Couture added bird profiling to the same theory. 


Dove : Steady The dove is people-orientated loyal, friendly, hard working
and a great team player but tends to avoid change. confrontation, risk-taking and assertiveness.


Peacock : Influence The peacock loves to talk : being the center of attention has passion / enthusiasm and ihappy / optimistic, Peacock can beaccused of talking too much,and aren’t good with detail or time-control.

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